Indigo Thob from Hama with Multicolored Plangi
Syria traditional clothing, dresses folk Hama, Hama Weiss-Armush

Constructed from crisp tightly woven cotton, this dress from Hama features two shades of salmon patterns that required numerous steps to create.

First, the white sewn garment was dipped into peach dye before the plangi (tie-dye) work commenced. Then only the center designs of a series of diamonds were tied, the artisan holding the fabric in her mouth as she tied off with a thread. A second stronger salmon shade of dye bath was applied, with the center designs resisting the color.

Only then were the major patterns in preparation for the final dying, a bath of indigo blue.

Tie-dying was done by women. It is believed that this type of artistry wa in use in Syria by the fifth or sixth century, possibly earlier.