Plangi Scarf from Hama

Syria traditional clothing, dresses folk Hama, Hama Weiss-Armush

A hand-woven raw silk scarf from Hama with extraordinary plangi tie dyed patterns. To achieve the effect of a dark pinpointed center with two rings of bright color, the artisam had to first dye the cloth in yellow, then tie the bumps that would resist the next two dye baths. A second dye in orange color was applied to the entire scarf before an additional band of thread was applied to the first bumps. This band protected the orange dye, which 'resisted' the final dipping into black color.

Finally, all the thread was removed from the bumps, the edges were finished with blanket stitch and dozens of tiny pom poms were made by hand and then stitched to the scarf.

Like most of the garments in this section of the collection, this scarf has not beenunworn.